Fixing for Some Frozen Edamame?
You don’t have to be a vegan to love this healthy little legume. Edamame is a Japanese cuisine staple that when steamed and sprinkled with a bit of sea salt or tossed into a stir fry is a protein packed delight. Well we’re not the only ones hooked on it. It seems Carmen can “eat the hell out of this stuff and would love to be able to run out and buy some” close to her apartment. We know that Trader Joe’s has it, but that is a bit far away if you go through a bag as quickly as Carmen contests, so where can a girl get her fix?
Kelton Flencher suggest Key Foods on 7th and Quigley names Key Food on 5th, Associated on 5th, Union Market and 5th Ave Deli. Honorable out of bounds mentions go to Costco and Fairway, but where do you get your edamame? Let us know in the comments or join the discussion on the Park Slope message board.
Baluchi’s is in Fact OPEN!
We claimed they were opening yesterday, we were sadly wrong. However, a quick call today has lifted our spirits. Yes! Baluchi’s Indian Food is open! Free delivery in the Slope with a take out/delivery special of $15 for an appetizer, entree, basmati rice, nan bread, and their great yogurt and chutney sauces.Â
Baluchi’s Indian Food
310 5th Ave. (BTW 2nd and 3rd St.)
Call (718) 832-5555 to order
Let us know what you think!
Talking Turkey Over at the Park Slope Coop
Thanksgiving is almost here and if you haven’t started your grocery list we suggest you get to it! SweetTea is already planning for next Thursday’s feast and as a new coop member would like to know how long she should wait to buy her turkey:
it’s my first year as a coop member, and i’d like to get my (small-ish) thanksgiving turkey there. i gather from the newsletter that you don’t order the turkey in advance. on the one hand, I’m guessing it’s a bad idea to wait until wednesday night to go buy one, but on the other hand, I’d like to minimize the amount of time i have to store the beast.
Anyone have experience on how quickly the suckers sell out?
Pitu, a long time coop member, offered this advice:
From past experience, the small ones go first – but even that varies from year to year depending on how many small ones the purveyors supply.
According to NYkittyNY the coop already has 3 different kinds of turkeys in stock, in all sizes. She also had a chance to speak with the buyer for the market:
I spoke to the guy there who was in charge of ordering them, and he advised to get my turkey by at least the weekend, unless I was hoping to get a heritage bird, which wont be in till next week. (At $3.99 per pound, they are an excellent deal compared to elsewhere, but still pricey.)
Sounds like this weekend will be a busy one at the coop. Do you have turkey shopping experiences to share? Join the discussion over on coop turkey talk.
Methodist Hospital ER Earning Bad Grades
Gowanus Lounge just posted a couple of not-so-nice stories from Park Slope Parents about recent visits to the Methodist Hospital ER. This would come as no surprise to Carmen who posted about her trip to the ER in April:
…I was kind of mortified that the PA was pressuring me into treatment when the plastic surgeon told me I didn’t need them. He was very brief when speaking to me and didn’t look me in the eye once. He basically threw my paperwork at me and walked out the door, at which point I asusmed I was done and left.
While in discharge, I heard the woman next to me complaining that a nurse had said “no wonder you’re on so many pills” when she complained about the tightness of the ID bracelet. Is this place ALWAYS like this? I’m really considering writing a letter to the hospital about my experience (excellent with the plastic surgeon, but terrible with everyone else,) …
Have any experiences, good, bad, or ugly to share? Check them in here: Park Slope Message Board – Methodist hospital ER- not nice! ::
Intangible Gifts for the Holiday Season?
Local artist and regular Brooklynian member Trainsmoke DeLeon is looking for an ‘intangible gift’ to give. Hum? Interesting. Tis the season and what better way to show you care then by giving present like a membership to a cultural institution or perhaps a subscription to a favorite magazine? Sweettea suggested a membership to Brooklyn Botanical Gardens while Peanuts went for a more personal touch:
Personal Training Sessions; Massage or any other beauty treatment the person may like; tickets to a show/concert; gift certificate to a restaurant
The most interesting idea came from UrbanCowgirl who gave her boyfriend his own Italian olive tree fromNudo. What’s Nudo, you ask?
Nudo is an olive grove. And part of it can be yours.
Adopt one of its trees for a year and you’ll receive all the produce from your tree. Imagine dunking your bread in your own oil from your own tree thousands of miles away on a hillside in Italy.
Want to hear more suggestion for intangible gifts? Check out the Brooklynian Park Slope message board.
Baluchi’s is Open! -PSYCH! Nope!
Though we had hoped this long awaited Indian food chain was opening tonight, alas we are out of luck. Latest word from the employees I talked to tonight was that it may be opening tomorrow. From the looks of the unassembled kitchen I’m guessing it’s more like next week. Sorry to get your hopes up folks.
Fishy Business in the Slope
Pescadarians take note, recommendations on where to catch the freshest fish are pouring in thanks to Gretel who lives near C-Town on 9th, but wasn’t sure if “that is an ok place to buy fish?” Veets fills us in on the C-Town fish facts:
I have bought fish at C Town on 9th street for years and have had no problem They sell a lot of product and the men behind the counter are constantly cleaning and filleting so assuming that the fish come in there fresh (which is a big assumption in any fish store) and are handled properly once they arrive should be ok to buy there. At least that is how I justify it. It is a convenience to not have to go to another store just to buy fish when I am grocery shopping.
Idlewild also chimes in with a few great suggestions:
My first choice is Blue Moon at the GAP Farmer’s Market. After that it’s either Fairway or the Korean’s on 7th Ave between 2nd st and 3rd (corner of 3rd).
Other notable mentions go to Fairway in Red Hook, Fish Tales on Court St, Union Market on 7th Ave, and that “Japanese place on 7th b/t 4th and 5th.” Have a favorite place you like to shop for seafood? Join the discussion on Brooklynian Park Slope message board.
Baluchi’s on Fifth Avenue Opening Today
Local Indian restaurant chain Baluchi’s is opening up its doors in the Slope today (for takeout at least) over on Fifth Avenue and 3rd Street. There’s a lot of gushing going on at the discussion boards:
ljnd: I have friends from Mumbai, fabulous cooks, who swear by them. I’ve taken friends from Rome and London there – they’ve loved it – and my 10 year old is nuts about it. (But she’ll eat anything with chickpeas.) I’m so excited about this! And they have a website which permits you to place orders online, so when that’s up and running, I am in deep trouble….
peanutbuttercup: OMGOD THAT IS AMAZING
doublediamond: Finally, good Indian in the hood!
Add your own Baluchi’s praise here: Park Slope Message Board – Baluchi’s Indian on 5th Ave opening this week!!!! ::
Go Carting?
Need a cart for shopping, moving heavy items, or just hobo’ing around? The board’s got you covered.
Poster LJND recommends which seems a bit overkill, as Blonkers points out:
If you just want one of the folding carts, you can usually find them at larger hardware, and grocery stores. The big supermarkets in NYC all sell them. They are really a great thing to have in the city for taking your laundry and doing your grocery shopping and they fold up for easy storage in small apartments.
Hate carts? Love carts? Need carts? Discuss it all here: Park Slope Message Board – Shopping Cart/Trolley? ::
Should You Reward a Good Report Card?
Last week was report card week, and parents in Park Slope were debating the age old question of how or if they should reward their children’s good report cards. Do they give them cash prizes, a special dinner or a big smile and a pat on the back? Naturally there are different schools of thought on this parenting issue. Here are some excerpts from the discussion:
Testiculon: “I use the good report card as an opportunity to tell my daughter how proud I am to be her Dad. I can tell from her face that that is a huge reward.”
xlizellx: “i’m a public school teacher, and i would def. encourage parents to spend time with their kids as the reward rather than give them stuff.”
ringrunner: “I gave them a coupon for 30 cents off a bag of chips“
How do you reward your kids for a good report card? Park Slope Message Board –
Pro Wrestling Comes To Park Slope – Finally
If you thought Park Slope was all about baby boutiques and fancy frogo, think again. Park Slope has found it’s edge in the form of Forgotten Championship Wrestling, a group committed to restoring the integrity to fake wrestling. These guys want to bring wrestling back to it’s Ric Flair era heydays, “When the fans believed in the wrestlers and when the wrestlers bled, it meant something not just a match where there has to be blood.” Fight night is this Saturday at the already edgy Brooklyn Lyceum.
Discussion goes here: Park Slope Message Board – Pro Wrestling Anyone? ::
Freezing? Landlord Lax? Heating Help Here
“It seriously pisses me off when I wake up at 3 a.m., freezing my balls off. I’ve called him numerous times, but I keep getting this feeling that he thinks I’m lying for some reason.”
This testimonial comes from a discussion at As the quote illustrates, the coming winter can be one of dread for those unfortunate Park Slopers at the mercy of unsympathetic landlords.
Daily Slope is here to help.
According to the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, between Oct. 1 and May 31, a landlord must provide an adequate amount of heat (at least 68 degrees) from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. when the temperature outside falls below 55. If a landlord fails to comply with the code, he or she is in violation of what is called the “warranty of habitability.â€
“Every residential lease agreement in New York carries with it an implied warranty that the premises are suitable for human habitation,†one law coordinator for Legal Services for New York City told The New York Times. The first step in dealing with a landlord in breach of the warranty is to call the heat hot line: 212-960-4800. A tenant has several other options, too. One would be to withhold the rent. Don’t worry, if your landlord takes you to court, he won’t have a leg to stand on because he’s not in compliance with the code.
Another option would be to apply for a “rent reduction order†from the Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Yet another option entails taking your disreputable landlord’s ass to housing court.
We like the last option best.
Is your landlord withholding the warmth? Share your story at
Barrio Does Bingo in Park Slope, Brooklyn
Somehow we missed the news that Barrio Restaurant now has a Bingo thing going on every Tuesday night at 6 pm (210 7th Avenue, corner of 3rd). Hipsters and parents, take note of your respective “safe†times: there is a “Kids and Families” bingo at 6 pm, and Adult Bingo starting at 8PM, with prizes to include t-shirts, games, and “festive cocktails” (for the over 21 crowd).
Bingo isn’t new to Park Slope. There is a well-lit basement bingo parlor on 5th Avenue in Park Slope. At least one hipster bingo night seems to have faded into obscurity. And of late, we have been proud to play Palin Bingo, homegrown by madman, a regular on
At one point, bingo (More info) could be played for fun and profit, but the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGA), passed in 2006, essentially prevented online gambling in New York, so that’s certainly one factor that could be driving the occasional resurgence of bingo popularity in Park Slope.
Is Slope Spending Slowing?
An observation made by Old Time Brooklyn that 7th ave. stores and restaurants in Park Slope seemed unusually dead this week seemed to be consistent with what locals are saying about their recent spending habits. Some comments from the thread “Has Everyone Stopped Shopping?”:
bohuma: “Stopped for everything except essentials. Don’t go out for dinner, cook at home. Brown bag my lunch.”
bullyboy: “We buy groceries. That’s about it.”
WhyFi: “I work in a retail environment, and the pace has certainly slowed…People seem hesitant, waiting to see if we’ve really hit bottom or not, and whether there’s some stability is around the corner. I don’t think that there needs to be a rebound before people start opening the wallets, but they do want to know that it’s not going to get any worse.”
Are you cutting back on the luxuries you once enjoyed? Share your penny pinching ways on Park Slope Message Board – Has everyone stopped shopping? ::
Lousy Neighbor in Slope Apt. Building
A first time poster stopped by the forum this week seeking advice on how to deal with a downstairs neighbor who finds the time to complain about every sound she makes.
japes317: “My fiance and I moved into our apartment in July. In the 3.5 months that have passed since then, we’ve come to find out that we have a downstairs neighbor who is out of her mind.”
The downstairs neighbor reportedly has come to japes317’s door on numerous occasions and tried to get inside the apartment to see what was “going on” as the cause of the noise. To avoid those situations the poster gave the neighbor her number, and has since had to deal with frequent calls of complaint. She wants out of her lease and has turned to the boards for advice. hitokiri was first to offer advice on how to fight back the old fashioned way:
“If she tries to force her way into your apt again, give her a good palm to the nose…If you want to get even more childish, put some guerrilla glue into the key holes of her door lol“
There’s also plenty of grown up style advice in the thread as well regarding ways someone can get out from under a lease of doom. Only the lucky have never had to read up on what to do about a crappy neighbor, so the collective knowledge of the community has been pooled together in this thread. Be prepared: Park Slope Message Board – Insane woman downstairs…can I get out of my lease??? Help! ::
Last Night
The partying in the streets that erupted all over the city last night showed up in Park Slope as well.
MichaelKeys: “It was New Year’s and the Yankees AND Mets winning the World Series all rolled into one here in Brooklyn!”
caaahyoko: “I had the most wonderful bike ride home from Southpaw to Bushwick. The party in the streets extended all the way and my bell got a workout with all the celebratory ringing. As I passed through all those neighborhoods it felt like a sticky cloud of cynicism had lifted into the atmosphere and dissipated.”
Of course it wasn’t all roses for the liberal minded Park Slope bacchanalians. Dismay was expressed over the various anti-gay props that were passed on the historic day:
LadyLibertine: “Don’t even have to be gay to feel stabby over that Arkansas measure. No “unmarried sexual partners” can adopt or foster children. WTF.”
Keep the hope alive on the Park Slope Message Boards – Cheering in the Streets ::
Vote Day Is Here! And the locals are buzzing…
Perhaps it has come to your attention that there is a sort of big deal election taking place today. Well you aren’t the only one who noticed, as a quick look at any Brooklynian board will prove. Locals have been checking in all day, sharing their experiences:
tapdame: “just wanted to let you know how things went at my polling site. I voted at PS 282 on 6th ave. The line was about 3/4 of the way down Berkeley street towards 5th ave. I got in line at 6:11am and was out the door by 7:05am. I strongly suggest that you know your election district prior to getting in line, as waiting in that line probably tacks on about 45 minutes. “
asking questions pertaining to their local polling site:
Cabaki: “ This is my first time voting in park slope (8th street) so I have no idea what to expect. Is is better to get there when the polls open before work, or after work? How many hours do you think we’ll have to wait on line to vote?”
and giving tips on how to vote best:
henrycurtis: “Don’t wear political clothing, or excess button/pins. It may be considered “electioneering” in the polling place and you may not be allowed to vote.”
So stop by, share your stories and ask your questions at Park Slope Message Board – voting in park slope ::
Times Article Outs McCain Supporters, Sparks Heated Debate
A New York Times article this week tells the story of a local anomaly: “Four — count ’em, four — brownstones on a single Park Slope block are waving a flag rare enough in this liberal bastion to stop passers-by in their tracks: “McCain.— pastoralia posted the link in the Park Slope forum and added “now we know their names” What pastoralia mightn’t have expected is that the posting would bring a handful of McCain supporters out of the woodwork and spark one of the most heated political discussions on that I’ve seen. Living in such an overwhelmingly liberal neighborhood such as Park Slope, one might assume that everyone around them is more or less on the same page. But as it turns out that’s not the case. Just read transplant‘s first of many posts in the thread:
“I’m voting for McCain and Palin too (well, mostly Palin). I live on 3rd St. between 4th and 5th, no need to hunt me down. I think there are more of us out there than you think, we just know to keep our opinions to ourselves around Park Slope and NYC in general. Y’all can be pretty intolerant of dissenting viewpoints.”
Who knew? Come meet your neighbors at Park Slope Message Boards – Now we know their names ::
Grocery Round Up for Park Slopers
Lizschillare, a new member of the neighborhood, wonders:
“Where’s the best grocery store?”
Well, we’re glad you asked! LongTimeSloper was the first to chime in:
“Key Food on 5th Avenue-it’s far from you, but they do deliver and they have a large parking lot if you have a car.”
Other suggestions include, Steve’s C Town on 9th Street, Pathmark on 2nd Avenue, Union Market on 7th Ave or the one on Union Street, Eagle Provisions on 5th Avenue, and our personal favorite the newly renovated Associated on 5th ave and Union. If you don’t mind a longer trip for excellent produce there is always Fairway in Red Hook or if you rather make no trip at all, there’s the reliable Fresh Direct.
But tybur6 reminds us jokingly of another Park Slope option:
“I’m very proud of this group… 9 replies and no mention of the co-op! Well done.”
Yes, the Co-Op on Union Street. We love to hate it, but it does have an amazing selection if you can stand the membership ‘dues.’ Have another favorite to add to the list, post it on the Brooklynian Message Board: Best Grocery Store?
Symptoms of a Bad Economy: Switching to The Y
Looks like we’re all going to have to make adjustments to our lifestyles now that the economy is tanking. Swapping brunch for a bagel, your Bam membership for a Netflix membership, haircuts for hats etc. sacrifices must be made. katbka is making the following adjustment and asked the board to help okay the decision:
“Dearest Brooklynians,
With the economy being in crisis, I decided to quit the fancy Wall St Equinox, and join my local YMCA. Do any of you belong to the Park Slope YMCA? What do you like/dislike about it?
Is it true that Food Coop members get a discount when joining?”
Turns out The Y gets high marks from the crowd, and there is in fact a Coop member discount. Read the reviews and share what you’re cutting back on at Park Slope Message Board – Park Slope YMCA ::
Mail Held Captive in Closed Slope Store
One would hope that when they rent a mailbox, that mailbox will be eternally accessible. No such luck for a number of people who were deeply dismayed by the sudden closing of Mailboxes of Park Slope located on Flatbush near Crunch.
stuntvehicle was the first to make this unfortunate discovery:
“Stopped by the mailbox place today and the doors were barred…with my mail inside! Anyone esle in the same situation?”
Several people shared their frustration at being in the same predicament and at a loss for what action they can take. dailyheights had the following info on the matter:
“I just got an email from an irate customer of MAIL BOXES OF PARK SLOPE … she says the business was closed Friday Oct. 17, 2008. She said the owner didn’t notify her that he was aware of the possiblity of the eviction:
“All of us that rent boxes have mail & packages locked inside. The Landlord’s management company isn’t corporating with our phone calls.””
If anyone has info that might help lead to the timely release of the captive packages, I urge you to stop by the boards and help prevent this scene from transpiring:
thereallawrence: “I will cry manilla tears if this place closes for good and I lose my packages.”
Park Slope Message Board – Mailboxes of Park Slope (
South Slope Yoga
Carmen stopped by the Park Slope forum on a quest to find a good yoga place in South Slope. Some results from the thread:
11thstreet: “There’s a lovely new bikram studio at 5th Ave & 15th St, if you’re into the hot yoga…”
Flexichick: “The yoga teachers at Harbor Fitness are generally pretty good.”
jjgal: “I’ve been going to Jaya Yoga for a little over a year and I’ve only experienced one teacher who I would not go back to. I have really enjoyed all the other instructors and the space. I highly recommend going there. It is also not so expensive and the classes are all an hour and thirty-five minutes.”
filmlover44: “bodhisattva 442 9th St – (vinyassa yoga)”
vidro3 “yoga sole at windsor and 11th ave is nice as well. they have a buy 2 get 1 free special going on now”
There are more insights and recommendations about the best places to strike a pose in South Slope listed in the thread. If you’re looking for a way to stay limber this winter then stop by Park Slope Message Board – South slope yoga? ::
Pit Bull for Adoption Bites Sloper, Accusations Ensue
Nepenthean relayed an unfortunate incident of being bitten by an up-for-adoption pit bull while walking by a Brooklyn Animal Foster Network station last week:
“As I walked by last Monday (Columbus Day), their pit bull lunged at me and bit my thigh. Their first response was suggesting it was my fault because I had a bag of groceries in my arm. They also said that was their sweetest dog. They delayed getting the person in charge (who was across the street), hoping I would just walk away. After I persisted they finally brought over the boss. She offered NO apology whatsoever, but tried to get me to sign a medical waiver! WTF??”
After much sympathizing and calling for lawsuits by other Park Slopers, the director of BAFN caught wind of the thread and offered their side of the story as well as a dissection of the original poster’s claims. The forum played judge and jury to try to get to the bottom of what had transpired.
One thing that became clear is that however one judges BAFN’s reaction to this incident, everyone agrees that the animals in our midst that are up for adoption shouldn’t be the victims. Get the whole story here: Park Slope Message Board – Dog Adoption Agency’s Pit Bull Bit Me ::
Best Park Slope BBQ?
Such wishful thinking that this thread would reveal a long list of Park Slope’s best ribs, pulled pork and smoky brisket, but alas great local bbq remains the elusive New York dream. thebends9 sent out out the call:
“Looking for some good BBQ tonight, any recommendations?”
Smoke Joint in Ft. Greene gets a few shout outs as not only the best bbq in the area, but also pretty much the only option. Hill Country, Blue Smoke and Dinosaur in the city all get thumbs up, but otherwise the real answer to the original question seems to be to get in your car and head south. Don’t get out until the sign reads “Carolina.”
Dry Rub or Wet Mop? Park Slope Message Board – Best Barbeque in Park Slope? ::
Self Reflexive Poster Says Slope Smells Like Pee
just me:
“Is it “just me” or does Park Slope smell like dog pee? everywhere I walk I get the lovely scent of dog piss. the worst is the entrance to the park, near garfield and near 3rd st. I know the dogs have to go somewhere but geeeeez it’s nasty in this warmer weather… “
Well it might just be just me, because there haven’t been too much many people seconding that notion, but there have been many people quick to blame the “cross between rancid butter and vomit” smell on the female Ginkgo Tree. Jamzer:
“It is a great urban tree, but its fruit smells like puke.”
I suppose this leaves the leading suspect in the case of the dog pee smell to be dog pee. Exchange Gingko Tea recipes at Park Slope Message Board – Is it “just me” or does Park Slope ::
Gowanus Lounge Confirms Hanco’s is Coming to Town!
The Gowanus Lounge via The Brooklyn Paper has now confirmed that Vietnamese sandwich shop Hanco’s will open in the old Tea Lounge space as we reported earlier. The Brooklyn Paper writes:
The shop will have an expanded tea selection, and Ting said they are considering opening a coffee bar. But the main attraction will be the banh mi, that delectable French-influenced Vietnamese sandwich that comprises spicy pork, pickled vegetables and a mayonaise-like spread piled high into a baguette — a remnant of France’s one-time dominance in Indochina.
I love it when a plan comes together.
Berkeley Carroll School Wants Old Time Sloper Out
YankeeFan posted a couple of local articles telling the story of a woman who has lived in her Park Slope apartment for 50 years and pays the highly enviable rent of $147.08. Naturally she’s been reluctant to accept a buyout to leave from Berkeley Carroll School who owns her home and wishes to use the space for classroom expansion. Reactions on the boards have been mixed. Many like new2hood take little pity on a woman who has had it easy for so long:
“I feel as if this woman is parroting some sob story her lawyer fed her to make this a PR story. I understand she doesn’t “want” to move, but she’s paying an absurd amount of rent and has been given several opportunities to leave with $$ in her pocket, which, combined with $$ she should have saved paying such a small rent, would allow her to avoid financial hardship.”
While others like LongTimeSloper see things differently:
“I don’t care what paltry sum she gave BC all these years-it was a rent controlled apartment and I assume she had a lease. I don’t see why everyone thinks that just because she doesn’t own it and had a good deal all these years, she should just walk away! I mean, she was a tenant, she did her end of the bargain by paying the rent and she is by no means obligated to just take the buy out offered if she doesn’t want to.
Every one here seems to think that oh well, she had a good run, leave now because the landlord tells you to leave. But, I see it as she also has rights as a tenant-no matter what she has been paying all these years!”
Read the rest of the discussion here: Park Slope Message Board – Eviction threat after 50 years in Park Slope is ‘like a deat ::
Park Slope’s Prayers Have Been Answered: Vietnamese Sandwiches on 7th Avenue
It was only recently in the Lookout Hill is closing thread that Belzjm remarked on what business should move into the neighborhood:
i think if someone with an already established brand came and set up shop there, it would be a huge hit.
like nicky’s vietnamese sandwich shop. although i think that this particular space is too large for something like that…
Well someone heard our prayers, and according to the Gowanus Lounge, the old Tea Lounge on 7th Avenue and 10th Street will become a Vietnamese sandwich shop. Hallelujah! A GL tipster writes:
It looks like something will be moving into the Old Tea Lounge location on 7th Avenue and 10th Street soon. Men have been seen working on the space the past week. A neighbor informed me this morning that she had asked them what was coming in and they told her a Vietnamese Sandwich Shop.
We’re trying not to get too excited, but realy!?! Banh Mi?? In the Slope!? Throw in some bubble tea and I’m in heaven.
Cashmere Hungry Moths Take a Bite Out of The Slope
Halloween has come early to a handful of Park Slope residents who are being tormented by a sweater eating moth beast. The culprit and damage done is described by brooklynpotter:
“[The moths are] goldeny and when you smoosh them they’re chalky…i found a mitten i’d left in a bag in my closet. (i’d been wondering why they kept flying out from the closet!) said mitten was missing a giant chunk. i’m not talking about a hole, i mean a quarter of the top of the mitten was gone, like a human had taken a bite from it.”
Other posters share tips on how to survive the infestation. Cedar, lavendar, zip-loc bags, washing your clothes…but brooklynpotter seems to be losing hope: “i fear this genus of moth is unstoppable.”
Who among you has the antidote to this winged plague? Save the day at Park Slope Message Boards – moths (that eat cashmere) ::