They can put a man on the moon… so what about decent coffee on 7th?
Gorilla, the Brooklyn coffee house generally acknowledged to be Doing Things Right(tm), is at least thinking about setting up shop on what is still considered the main drag in Park Slope.
This just in from DS stalwart 8thandPrez: “Based on the flurry of messages in another post, it seems there’s quite a demand for a Gorilla Coffee expansion. I took the liberty of emailing Gorilla and pleading for a new store on 7th.”
Here’s their very prompt response:
“hi there. thanks for the link [to the Daily Slope forum]. we’d love to [expand]…need to save up some money first. some day hopefully soon. we’d LOVE to be on 7th ave.
This is the slope’s idea of good coffee? Gorilla is awful. This neighborhood doesn’t know what good coffee is, Mule was promissing at first. They had Vita but know one there knows how to use it. Regular is a cute place but their espresso preperation is a joke. Red Horse is just a joke, study hall anyone? Cafe Eleven? Illy? For real? Go to Grumpy or Oslo or 9th street. It’s worth it.